2020 - 2021
We are not currently accepting applications. Please check back in the future.
Evaluations of work are based on the following criteria:
Project proposal creatively addresses a combination of some of the following elements: social issues, community engagement, education and dialogue, and positive placemaking.
Work samples and statement show evidence of original and inventive new work.
Work samples demonstrate quality, technical proficiency, and are professionally presented.
References reflect that the creator is capable to complete sustained projects, works well in a community with other creators, and/or can engage with the public.
July 27: application live
Sept 4: application deadline
Sept 25: notification of residency
Oct 3: residency begins
Please email Alysha Irisari Malo at Alysha.CONVERGE@gmail.com with any questions.
This Program is generously sponsored by a donation from Core Development and Hines.